Posted tagged ‘healthy living’

Steak n’ BandAids

November 19, 2010

[originally published in KCN, December 2010]

“If you cut a piece of steak, put iodine and a bandage on it and even give it a shot of Penicillin… will the piece of steak heal itself?”  That’s the question my Mississippi chiropractic colleague recently posed in an article of his.  The answer, of course, is obvious enough for a child to answer.  The answer is no.

And yet as obvious as this answer is, as a society we don’t take it to heart.


Do You Believe in Chiropractic?

March 19, 2010

[originally published in KCN, August 2001 / cartoon provided by]

Do you believe in chiropractic?

I don’t.

Oftentimes I’ll encounter a new patient who will cut me short of my explanation on chiropractic by interjecting, “Don’t worry Doc.  No need to explain.  I believe in chiropractic.”

Believe in chiropractic? The idea of having to believe in chiropractic just doesn’t sit right with me.  Nobody ever talks about believing in medicine.  Chiropractic is not a belief system that you have to subscribe to or take stock in for it to work, nor is it akin to the rank and file of the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, or Leprechaun.  No, chiropractic works just fine on its own, ruby slippers or not.  I don’t believe in chiropractic, I know in it.


The Chiropractic Zone

June 12, 2009

[originally published in The Higher Source, March 1997 and then KCN, September 1998]

zone-bookI recently received a book from my mother.   It was the new and controversial “diet” book, The Zone, by Barry Sears, PhD.  Although grateful for the gift, I was a bit perplexed.  I, out of everyone in my family, was the last one that needed to think about dieting.  (more…)

Spinal Repair

June 5, 2009

[originally published in KCN, July 1999]

You could say it was business as usual at my office the other day.  The day was playing out like most any other day.  In other words, I was having a great day!  Three patients were comfortably seated in the reception area enjoying their reading selections, while I was helping a patient reschedule her next appointment.  And then it happened…  Kerplunk!  Everyone froze.  What was that?  The noise had come from my treatment room.   A troubled look came over my face, for  no one was in the treatment room.  I slowly made my way towards the area from whence the sound had come  as my patients waited, wide-eyed with anticipation.  As I peered around the wall, I quickly spotted the noisy culprit.  (more…)