Archive for the ‘chronic’ category

Addicted to Chiropractic?

September 6, 2013

[originally published in KCN, August 2012]

444500_self-portraitMy problem is that after all these years of going to a good chiropractor, I became very sensitive about when I have a subluxation. It was like this external force was helping me and had become an addiction.  Then I suffered when I didn’t have it. What do you recommend about this? 

Regards, Pablo 

– comment received on “Do It Yourself Chiropractic,”

I hear this concern every once in a while.  And while I’m sympathetic to his situation, I feel that painting chiropractic as an “addiction” not only casts the profession in a bad light, but — more importantly — does not address the true nature of his problem. (more…)

Plastic Rats

June 28, 2013

plastic rats[originally published in KCN, May 2008]

The word “Plastic” means different things to different people.   We all probably relate to the countless plastic products and materials that we have come to rely on.  Everything from drinking cups to dashboards — rain gear to baby toys — traffic cones to sunglasses.  Still others might reach for their wallets to show off their “plastic.”  And sometimes  plastic is the perfect word  to describe something that is fake or artificial.  But ask a scientist, engineer, or artist to define the word plastic, and you just might be in for an answer that you have never heard before.  For these professional fields have definitions of plastic that revolve around a material’s ability to change in shape — much like plastic does when it is heated.  Specifically however, when “plastic” is used in the biological sciences it refers to an organism’s ability to “exhibit adaptability to change or variety in the environment.”


Arthritic Rats

June 14, 2013

800px-Street-rat[originally published in KCN, December 2007]

Chiropractors have long known that spinal adjustments can help stave off, slow down, and sometimes reverse the devastating effects of osteoarthritis — but it took a group of rats to prove it.


A Chronic Pain in the Neck

June 7, 2013

397716_her_neck[originally published in KCN, September 2007]

It is estimated, that at any given time, 15% of the female population and 10% of the male population is suffering from chronic neck pain.  It’s one thing to have had a short-lived kink in the neck, but having neck pain that goes on for months and months without any intention of going away, well, is truly a “pain in the neck.”


Brain Pain

April 26, 2013

Brain Pain 1[originally published in KCN, December 2005]

No one probably has to tell you that back pain is a drag.  It can be incredibly painful.  It can rob you of your ability to function normally.  It can cause you to miss work.  And, it can rack up a sizable bill!  But did you know, according to a study last year in the Journal of Neuroscience, it can also shrink your brain?


Hope for Chronic Pain

April 12, 2013

doctor-said-it-would-go-away-2-flip[originally published in KCN, June 2005]

Pain, in its purest form, serves a very definite purpose:  it acts as sign, or a signal, to alert us of a problem.  It also serves to prevent us from doing things that would, perhaps, make our problem worse.  So pain, in a weird kind of way, is a “good” thing.  But what about pain “gone bad”  — pain that doesn’t go away or comes and goes on an all too regular basis?  Well, at the risk of sounding trite, then the pain really is a “pain.”  And what escalates this “pain” even more is that its one of the biggest challenges practitioners across the health care spectrum face on a daily basis.  We label it “chronic pain.”  Plaguing  approximately 35% of our country, chronic pain is responsible for categorizing 50 million Americans as partially or totally disabled.  What’s more, we don’t really have an adequate way of explaining it or even identifying its true source, let alone finding effective ways to treat it —  not a very comforting thought for those buried under a mountain of chronic pain.  And while all this may seem dismal, a couple of researchers from “Down Under” have very good reason to offer hope of an effective treatment option that just might help make pain “gone bad”… gone.

Back Pain in Your Pocket

March 29, 2013

360597_wallet[originally published in KCN, July 2003]

While many that get hit with a nasty bout of lumbago will likely have to reach for their wallets when seeking relief, what they may not realize is that the very wallets they are reaching for may be the sly culprit behind it all.  It is pretty much common knowledge that many of the female persuasion lug purses that are heavy enough to put someone in the hospital, but what many of us do not realize is that the wallets that men pack in their back pockets can be just as troublesome — even more so in that the problem is less obvious.


Maintenance Care: Medical Study Applauds but Misses Point

August 22, 2011

[originally published in KCN, November 2011]

Every once in a while a health care study comes out that makes you stop and say…

“Now why didn’t someone think of doing that earlier?”

Well, such a study recently hit the pages of the prestigious medical journal Spine. (more…)