Archive for the ‘adjustment’ category

Safety Pins and Chiropractors

January 31, 2014

Safety_Pin[originally published in KCN, February 2014]

Safety pins. They’ve been around for more than 150 years and have seemingly endless uses, not the least of which is the reason we chiropractors like to use them.

Sounds odd, I agree. To be more accurate, most chiropractors of today don’t use them at all, which is a shame.

No, it’s not an old school style of adjusting — unless adjusting “between the ears” counts. Rather from as far back as 1927, chiropractors of yesteryear have used safety pins as a way of explaining what they did. (more…)

Rats in a Dump

October 11, 2013

640px-Landfill_face[originally published in KCN, January 2013]

As we find ourselves in the thick of cold and flu season our focus on avoiding germs becomes top priority for many of us.  We’re quick to Purell our hands and sanitize everything we touch.  But are germs really the issue?  The reality is, they’re no more of an issue now than they are at any other time of year. (more…)

Addicted to Chiropractic?

September 6, 2013

[originally published in KCN, August 2012]

444500_self-portraitMy problem is that after all these years of going to a good chiropractor, I became very sensitive about when I have a subluxation. It was like this external force was helping me and had become an addiction.  Then I suffered when I didn’t have it. What do you recommend about this? 

Regards, Pablo 

– comment received on “Do It Yourself Chiropractic,”

I hear this concern every once in a while.  And while I’m sympathetic to his situation, I feel that painting chiropractic as an “addiction” not only casts the profession in a bad light, but — more importantly — does not address the true nature of his problem. (more…)

Restoration of Normal Cylces

July 19, 2013

Son on Shoulders 3[originally published in KCN, April 2013]

While I’ll be the first to agree that the advent of Web 2.0 and its ensuing social media revolution is chock full of pitfalls and traps, it does have some definite advantages.  One in particular is its ability to create strong communities of people united by a common interest that could never have come together otherwise, let alone meet.  Such is the case with social networking platforms, such as Facebook, and the principally-grounded chiropractor.  We chiropractors tend to be isolated islands, busy taking care of the people that seek us out as we proclaim an outlook on health that counters the vast sea that surrounds us.  It’s easy to get beat down at times.  And this is precisely how avenues such as Facebook can become a virtual life raft for practitioners like myself.  This outlet has enabled me to connect with hundreds of like-mined chiropractors around the globe — allowing iron to sharpen iron, so to speak, even if it is through cyberspace.

The other day, I read a posting from California chiropractor Steve Tullius.  Dr. Tullius has been on my internet radio program ( a number of times and has invested more than his fair share of blood, sweat, and tears into preserving the purity of our profession. (more…)

Chiropractor Helps Blind Man See Again!

July 12, 2013

1016396_visual_aid_1[originally published in KCN, October 2008]

With a headline of almost tabloid proportions — I must admit, I treaded lightly at first when I viewed the Iowa TV 9 news broadcast on


Plastic Rats

June 28, 2013

plastic rats[originally published in KCN, May 2008]

The word “Plastic” means different things to different people.   We all probably relate to the countless plastic products and materials that we have come to rely on.  Everything from drinking cups to dashboards — rain gear to baby toys — traffic cones to sunglasses.  Still others might reach for their wallets to show off their “plastic.”  And sometimes  plastic is the perfect word  to describe something that is fake or artificial.  But ask a scientist, engineer, or artist to define the word plastic, and you just might be in for an answer that you have never heard before.  For these professional fields have definitions of plastic that revolve around a material’s ability to change in shape — much like plastic does when it is heated.  Specifically however, when “plastic” is used in the biological sciences it refers to an organism’s ability to “exhibit adaptability to change or variety in the environment.”


Arthritic Rats

June 14, 2013

800px-Street-rat[originally published in KCN, December 2007]

Chiropractors have long known that spinal adjustments can help stave off, slow down, and sometimes reverse the devastating effects of osteoarthritis — but it took a group of rats to prove it.


A Chronic Pain in the Neck

June 7, 2013

397716_her_neck[originally published in KCN, September 2007]

It is estimated, that at any given time, 15% of the female population and 10% of the male population is suffering from chronic neck pain.  It’s one thing to have had a short-lived kink in the neck, but having neck pain that goes on for months and months without any intention of going away, well, is truly a “pain in the neck.”
