Posted tagged ‘Innate Intelligence’

Sublata Causa Tollitur Effectus

February 27, 2015

[originally published in KCN, June 2015]

“Sublata Causa Tollitur Effectus” occupies my office whiteboard. While some mistake it for a Harry Potter magic spell, it’s just a Latin phrase I found in a book that — while not “magical” — has the potential, if understood correctly, to be truly transformational: “The effect will leave when the cause is removed.”

Sublata Causa Tollitur Effectus open bookSimple. Succinct. And, in my opinion, brilliant. (more…)

Wellness: Asking the Right Question

November 29, 2013

640px-Iceberg_with_hole_edit[originally published in KCN, May 2012]

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting on an iceberg.  Now imagine that you are oblivious to this fact.  As you sit there you begin to notice something:  Your body is shaking and your hands and feet are turning blue.  For good reason you become very concerned, “What’s wrong with me?” you ask.

As you pursue a diagnosis for your condition, you are evaluated and prescribed medications to improve your circulation and calm your jittery nerves.  The medications seem to work at first, but you soon find that you must continue taking them for ongoing relief of your disturbing ailment.

Sound silly?  Perhaps.  But I think many of us are unknowingly sitting on “icebergs.” (more…)

Magical Chiropractors

November 1, 2013

Magic Hat[originally published in KCN, November 2013]

“What separates a good chiropractor from a great —or magical — chiropractor?”

That was the question I was confronted with when a novelist from Italy reached out to me for technical assistance with her latest book.  I’ve been asked a lot of questions about chiropractic since I first stepped foot in the profession twenty-one years ago, but never this one. (more…)

Expect Miracles: Loud and Silent

October 4, 2013

[originally published in KCN, October 2013]

The developer of the chiropractic profession, BJ Palmer, used to imprint upon the walls of his office: “Expect Miracles.”  Why?  Because we chiropractors are afforded a front row seat to witness them everyday as we serve our patients.  It’s pretty amazing!  But it’s greater than you might think.

Expect Miracles (more…)

Robbing Banks to Steal Pens

September 27, 2013

Robbing Banks to Steal Pens[originally published in KCN, November 2012 / cartoon provided by]

Imagine a bank robber wearing the stereotypical burglar garb.  The safe stands open with bags of money piled high as he, in runner’s pose, is making a getaway.  In his hand is clutched, not a sack of cash, but a bunch of pens.  That’s right, pens. (more…)

Top 100

September 13, 2013

Top 100[originally published in KCN, September 2012]

The other day I had the chance to be interviewed on an Internet radio show designed to introduce youth to the various professions that have been ranked by the Jobs Rated Almanac as the Top 100 Careers for the next decade. “Chiropractor” ranked number 19.


Addicted to Chiropractic?

September 6, 2013

[originally published in KCN, August 2012]

444500_self-portraitMy problem is that after all these years of going to a good chiropractor, I became very sensitive about when I have a subluxation. It was like this external force was helping me and had become an addiction.  Then I suffered when I didn’t have it. What do you recommend about this? 

Regards, Pablo 

– comment received on “Do It Yourself Chiropractic,”

I hear this concern every once in a while.  And while I’m sympathetic to his situation, I feel that painting chiropractic as an “addiction” not only casts the profession in a bad light, but — more importantly — does not address the true nature of his problem. (more…)

Restoration of Normal Cylces

July 19, 2013

Son on Shoulders 3[originally published in KCN, April 2013]

While I’ll be the first to agree that the advent of Web 2.0 and its ensuing social media revolution is chock full of pitfalls and traps, it does have some definite advantages.  One in particular is its ability to create strong communities of people united by a common interest that could never have come together otherwise, let alone meet.  Such is the case with social networking platforms, such as Facebook, and the principally-grounded chiropractor.  We chiropractors tend to be isolated islands, busy taking care of the people that seek us out as we proclaim an outlook on health that counters the vast sea that surrounds us.  It’s easy to get beat down at times.  And this is precisely how avenues such as Facebook can become a virtual life raft for practitioners like myself.  This outlet has enabled me to connect with hundreds of like-mined chiropractors around the globe — allowing iron to sharpen iron, so to speak, even if it is through cyberspace.

The other day, I read a posting from California chiropractor Steve Tullius.  Dr. Tullius has been on my internet radio program ( a number of times and has invested more than his fair share of blood, sweat, and tears into preserving the purity of our profession. (more…)